8 week Beginners and Foundation* Course

Our next 8 week Beginners and Foundation Course starts Tuesday 15 October through to Saturday 7  December 2024. Come to any or all of 4 classes per week for the value price of $190 – Tuesday Beginners 5.30-7pm; Wednesday Foundation 5.30-7pm; Friday Beginners 9.30-11am; Saturday Foundation 10-11.30am. Casual attendance and students on class passes also welcome.

Beginner classes are perfect for students new to yoga or just starting back while Foundation classes are for students ready to take on a new challenge but not quite at the general class level.


Save the date for our next 8 week Beginners and Foundation Course starting Tuesday 15 October 2024. This course teaches skills for practising the all important foundation asanas (postures) by building physical strength and flexibility. For the first we are offering two Beginners and two Foundation classes as part of the package. The Beginners classes are perfect for those new to yoga, or just starting while the Foundation introduces new asanas (postures) to encourage students who have some yoga experience but are not quite ready for general classes.

The full cost of the course if $190 (<$12 per class if attending at least two classes per week): Tuesday Beginners 5.30-7pm; Wednesday Foundation 5.30-7pm; Friday Beginners 9.30-11 am; Saturday Foundation 10-11.30am. Attend any or all of these classes or contact us if you would like to discuss other options.

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